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Protection and antibodies naturally.

Arctic Vital


Colostrum and bilberry

  • Contains Vitamin B12 which helps to reduce fatigue and exhaustion
  • Supports natural immunity
  • Growth factors, vitamins and trace elements
  • Helps to recover after sports events

  • 100 pcs / 90.5 g
  • Mustikka
  • Gluten free

Manufacturing method preserving vitality

Nutritional supplements do not substitute for a versatile and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle.

Retail price

44,82 €

When your immune system is being tested and you need an extra kick, take Vital.

Our super product combines antioxidant-rich colostrum and nature’s superfood, bilberries.

Also supports the recovery process for those who move a lot.

The growth factor and antibody content of colostrum is much higher as compared to regular milk.


Colostrum is the first milk of a cow that has just calved. The effects are so convincing that numerous studies have been conducted on colostrum.

This wonder milk is brought to us from the wonderful Bavaria, milked from cows grazed in the clean mountain climate. Of course, in the traditional Arctic way, we combined colostrum with bilberry, the real super-berry, to further enhance its effects.


Nutritional Information

All nutrients co-operate with each other within our system. Therefore they need each other. That is why, in our products, we use natural raw materials that amaze with the broad spectrum of the nutrients.

Nutritional Information 3 tablets
energy0,4 kJ
energy0,1 kcal
fat1,7 mg
total fatty acids0,5 mg
fatty acids, polyunsaturated0,3 mg
fatty acids, n-3 polyunsaturated0,15 mg
rasvahapot n-6 monityydyttymättömät0,15 mg
fatty acid 18:2 cis,cis n-6 (linoleic acid)184,5 µg
Carbohydrate Components
carbohydrate, available15,15 mg
fibre, total4,95 mg
starch2,7 mg
sugars12,6 mg
fructose6,9 mg
glucose5,55 mg
polysaccharides, non-cellulosic, water-soluble0,75 mg
fibre, water-insoluble3,9 mg
Protein and nitrogen compounds
protein299,6 mg
tryptophan15 µg
histamine0,02 µg
Vitamins and minerals
calcium39,31 µg
iron0,91 µg
iodine0,002 µg
potassium174 µg
magnesium15,3 µg
sodium7,21 µg
salt7,65 µg
phosphorus39,01 µg
selenium0,0003 µg
zinc0,32 µg
folate, total-0,02 µg
niacin equivalent NE0,9 µg
niacin0,6 µg
Vitamin B60,09 µg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0,04 µg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0,2 µg
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)4,9 µg
Vitamin C10,5 µg
Vitamin A0,01 µg
carotenoids0,47 µg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)2,85 µg
Vitamin K0,01 µg
molybdenum0,0002 µg
copper0,002 µg
manganese0,002 µg
chloride16,22 µg
Natural acids incl. phenolic acids
caffeic acid31,65 µg
ferulic acid1,8 µg
gallic acid3,6 µg
p-coumaric acid10,65 µg
protocatechuic acid5,55 µg
sinapinic acid0,6 µg
syringic acid21,9 µg
vanillic acid9,75 µg
benzoic acid240 µg
citric acid861 µg
malic acid765 µg
chlorogenic acid268,5 µg
quinic acid487,5 µg
acetic acid54 µg
shikimic acid3,9 µg
organic acids2,1 µg
amino acids
alanine0,1 µg
arginine0,09 µg
phosphoserine0,27 µg
taurine0,83 µg
phosphoethanolamine0,3 µg
asparagine acid0,69 µg
threonine0,12 µg
serine0,13 µg
glutamic acid0,75 µg
glutamine0,3 µg
proline0,05 µg
glycine0,9 µg
citrulline0,04 µg
valine0,22 µg
cystine0,01 µg
methionine0,05 µg
isoleucine0,07 µg
leucine0,53 µg
tyrosine0,13 µg
phenylalanine0,23 µg
ornithine0,38 µg
lysine0,08 µg
histidine0,05 µg
asparagine acid0,06 µg
alpha-aminobutyrate0,01 µg
Other substances
creatine6,97 µg
L-carnitine0,12 µg
taurine0,3 µg
choline3,18 µg
ascorbic acid0,15 µg
alpha-lactalbumin15,02 µg
niacin0,01 µg
pantothenic acid0,01 µg
delphinidin413,7 µg
cyanidin440 µg
petunidin128,4 µg
peonidin26,7 µg
malvidin192,6 µg
unspecified anthocyanidins10,7 µg
catechins1,05 µg
epicatechins10,2 µg
kversetiini12,2 µg
myricetin4,7 µg
Phenolic polymers
proanthocyanidins222 µg
resveratrol0,1 µg
IgG190,1 µg
IgG215,6 µg
IgM8,4 µg
IgA6 µg
Antimicrobial factors
lactoferrin9 µg
lactoperoxidase180,2 µg
lysozyme2,4 µg
Growth factors
IGF-10,002 µg

The nutritional information of this product is based on laboratory analyses commissioned by producers, known average figures of the used ingredients, and calculations based on commonly known and accepted data.

Nutritional values of natural products are generated from average figures of nutrient amounts, and there may be some variation depending on the growth conditions and/or texture of the ingredient.

Arctic Nutrition is not responsible for possible errors occurring in the information. The customer is solely responsible for the interpretation of data and conclusions to be drawn therefrom. If you follow a special diet, consult with your doctor or dietitian.

Only the Best!

In order for valuable natural raw materials to retain their vitality, we process them properly. We invest in quality and functionality to ensure our clients get everything they need and get value for their money. We have recognized the importance of vital nutrients and manufacturing methods, honouring them for as long as we have existed: Ever since 1997.

Soluni quality guarantee


We use ingredients straight from nature, such as berries and fruit.


Our products only contain the most nutritious parts of the ingredients


We protect the ingredients during the manufacturing process, preserving the delicate nutrients.


We manufacture our products in accordance with the international GMP and ISO quality standards

Arctic Nutrition Finland Kauppalehti Menestyjät Susijengi Premium Quality Made in Finland