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Finnish nature offers the cleanest and most viable growth conditions for our raw materials.

The bright sunlight of a Nordic summer reigns uninterrupted over Arctic nature for 73 days.

During this time, our nutritious berries that have been growing in the severe conditions of untouched Nordic nature accumulate energy in a way that is not possible anywhere else in the world.

In winter, there is total darkness in the north for 51 days, giving the berries a perfect rest period.

Finland is the cleanest and greenest country in the world, according to the 2016 Environmental Performance Index compiled by Yale and Columbia University.

The air, forests, lakes and drinking water of Finland are very clean, compared to the rest of the world. More than 80 % of Finnish lakes are either of good or excellent quality.


Our product series is based on berries and herbs from Arctic nature. We complement these with raw materials gathered from the cleanest and unique areas of the world.

For thousands of years, noni fruits have been among the most important natural ingredients used by Polynesians to promote well-being. Experience their power in our Booster product.

The raw materials for the products are harvested from clean natural areas and combined into a unique whole in our products.

Only the Best!

In order for valuable natural raw materials to retain their vitality, we process them properly. We invest in quality and functionality to ensure our clients get everything they need and get value for their money. We have recognized the importance of vital nutrients and manufacturing methods, honouring them for as long as we have existed: Ever since 1997.

Soluni quality guarantee


We use ingredients straight from nature, such as berries and fruit.


Our products only contain the most nutritious parts of the ingredients


We protect the ingredients during the manufacturing process, preserving the delicate nutrients.


We manufacture our products in accordance with the international GMP and ISO quality standards

Arctic Nutrition Finland Kauppalehti Menestyjät Susijengi Premium Quality Made in Finland