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I delved into the world of cells and nutrients when I shared with an acquaintance working at the university about the serious health challenges of my loved one. This was the first time I heard more extensively about the crucial role of nutrients in human health and the core of maintaining our health at the cellular level.

I became interested in the topic because I found it to be truly valuable and highly fascinating.

Every day, our cells build 330 billion new cells, and for that, they need a wide range of nature's own nutrients.

It was clear that there is no shortcut. We all simply have to get high-quality nutrients. Our cells operate with their power.

It was peculiar that in the developing world, challenges related to the well-being of cells seemed to be increasing. What was the reason for this? I received a very thorough explanation from representatives of science.

Due to intensive farming, the soil has become depleted, affecting the nutrient levels in the food.

Nutritional supplements are often made from synthetic and low-quality ingredients.

Industrial production reduces the nutrients in food and disrupts its natural biological balance.

Poor eating habits are increasing.

So there was no need to be a representative of science to understand that things were not well in this crucial matter, and there was no improvement in sight.

That's why we founded Soluni.

Finland provided an ideal environment for the development of high-quality products. We had high scientific expertise and access to some of the world's best natural raw materials measured by many standards.

During the early stages of the company's operations, we made a typical Finnish mistake. We focused so much on the products that we almost completely forgot about sales and marketing.

We traveled around the world in search of the best raw materials for our products.

We visited places like the southernmost point of the Big Island of Hawaii and the island of Andøya in Norway, which is far from the mainland. Standing on the beach, you can admire the endless horizon of the North Atlantic.


We chose to combine distribution channels by integrating the opportunities of e-commerce, network marketing, referral marketing, and social media on a global scale.

This approach allowed us to offer people the chance to be part of the Soluni story, and our commercial operations were as progressive as possible in today's global markets.

Furthermore, the combination of different sales channels provided an opportunity to better share information about the importance of the quality of nutrients and the cells as essential partners in our lives.

For a long time, the journey of the company was a day-to-day struggle. There wasn't enough money in the account even to pay the bills.

We continued to work hard because we believed that our business was valuable to people. We trusted that we would have a place in their lives once we got ourselves out there enough.

The hard work paid off. The operation started to grow, and a team of professional experts with different skills began to develop around the company.

The challenges of the beginning are behind us, and we have embarked on the path of success. Our ambitious goal is to build Soluni into an internationally respected and successful company, which is why we invest significantly in developing and expanding our operations.


We conduct our own scientific research and develop new innovations. Several interesting projects are underway around confidential innovations.


Technology is the present and the future. In the coming years, we will be known as a company that provides innovative technologies to our customers.


Nature is an unwavering part of our human life. That's why it will always be an important part of our whole. New innovations are waiting to become a part of your life.

Global markets

We have aggressively opened up new market areas. Our goal is to operate in 100 market areas by 2027.

Soluni is the result of the hard work and collaboration of amazing people. We succeeded because a sufficient number believed in us and appreciated what we do.

In the picture is our customer, Salme Nummela, who, at 82, started practicing Taekwondo, making her the oldest Taekwondo beginner in the world, and me. She is one of those people who, by her example, has shown why it's worth being brave and determined despite the skeptics' remarks.

Through Soluni's vitality, you too get the tools to achieve great accomplishments in your own life.

Teemu Penttilä


Arctic Nutrition Finland Kauppalehti Menestyjät Susijengi Premium Quality Made in Finland